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A new oscillometric method for assessment of arterial stiffness: comparison with tonometric

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A new oscillometric method for assessment of arterial stiffness: comparison with tonometric and piezo-electronic methods.

Autoren Information

Baulmann J, Schillings U, Rickert S, Uen S, Düsing R, Illyes M, Cziraki A, Nickering G, Mengden T.




Pulse wave velocity (PWV) and augmentation index (AIx) are parameters of arterial stiffness and wave reflection. PWV and AIx are strong indicators for cardiovascular risk and are used increasingly in clinical practice. Previous systems for assessment of PWV and AIx are investigator dependent and time consuming. The aim of this study was to validate the new oscillometric method (Arteriograph) for determining PWV and AIx by comparing it to two clinically validated, broadly accepted tonometric and piezo-electronic systems (SphygmoCor and Complior).


PWV and AIx were measured up to five times in 51 patients with the SphygmoCor, Complior and Arteriograph. In 35 patients, the measurements were repeated after 1 week in a second session using the same protocol.


The correlations of the PWV as assessed with the Arteriograph with the values obtained using the SphygmoCor (r = 0.67, P < 0.001) and the Complior (r = 0.69, P < 0.001) were highly significant. Variability and reproducibility for PWV were best for the Arteriograph, followed by Complior and SphygmoCor. AIx (SphygmoCor versus Arteriograph) were very closely correlated (r = 0.92, P < 0.001).


The Arteriograph is a new, easy-to-use and time-effective method for assessing arterial stiffness and wave reflection.

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